Most of Laguna Mountain’s projects have involved compliance
with CEQA and local regulations but also include Federal work
such as cellular site evaluations, work on local Native American
reservations, and fire safety work. Examples of projects
conducted by Laguna Mountain are provided below.
Project: Princess Street/Spindrift Drive Utility
Undergrounding Project, La Jolla, California
Agency: City of San Diego
Mountain worked as a prime consultant to the City of San Diego
Underground Utility Conversion group to provide a cultural
resource monitoring program to ensure potential impacts to
buried cultural resources did not occur during trenching for
utility conversion. The proposed project was to convert existing overhead
electric facilities to below ground on Spindrift Drive and
Princess Street from Paseo Dorado to Torrey Pines Road. The
route consisted of approximately1,987 feet of 24 inch wide trench
with an average depth of 4 feet.
The project area was entirely
within previously recorded archaeological site CA-SDI-39/17372.
Human burials and intact archaeological features had been previously
encountered in the project area with one of those located under the existing street while other remains
were discovered in the yards
of existing residences. Due to the very high potential for
discoveries on this particular project, a research design and
data recovery plan was conducted prior to construction to
address discoveries and allow work to proceed as smoothly as
possible when additional discoveries were made. The second phase of this project, which includes sorting and
analysis, is still ongoing. The material recovered during
excavation and screening will be analyzed in relationship to the
research design and incorporated into a final data recovery
Felicita Park Trail
Rehabilitation, Escondido, California
Agency: County of San Diego, California Department of Parks and Recreation
Mountain Environmental, Inc. (Laguna Mountain) worked as a
prime consultant conducting an archaeological survey and a
testing and evaluation program for a proposed trail
improvement project within Felicita County Park in northern
San Diego County. The goal
of the effort was to identify and evaluate cultural
resources within the area of potential effect (APE). The
APE for the project was defined as the entire 53-acre county
park, which had been previously recorded as CA-SDI-570. The proposed project was a Land and Water
Conservation Fund Grant for trail improvements. The proposed
project included Federal monies and was subject to Section
106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), since
it is an “undertaking” as defined by 36 CFR 800.2 (0) and by
1992 amendments to Section 301 (7) of the NHPA [16 U.S.C.
470w (7)]. Cultural resource work was conducted in
accordance with the NHPA, the California Environmental
Quality Act (CEQA), and the County of San Diego implementing
regulations and guidelines including the County of San Diego
Resource Protection Ordinance (RPO).
project area was resurveyed and the three previously
recorded loci were identified along with five additional
loci (D, E, F, G, and H). In addition, an adjacent
site, CA-SDI-8463, appeared to extend within the park
boundaries. Subsurface testing was conducted at CA-SDI-570
with two goals. The first goal was to establish the
significance and National Register eligibility of the site,
and the second goal was to determine the relationship
between subsurface portions of the site area and proposed
project effects. Testing included general recordation of
milling features throughout the APE along with excavation of
29 shovel test pits (STPs) and 2, 1 x 1 m
excavation units. The
subsurface testing resulted in the recovery of more than
1,040 artifacts. These included a variety of cultural
material that met the data needs established in the
research design. Subsurface testing also indicated the
presence of significant subsurface deposits within portions
of the area proposed for direct impacts.
previous loci within site CA-SDI-570
been previously evaluated for nomination to the National
Register or the California Register and for significance
under the County RPO, the whole site consisting of all eight
loci had not. Testing
results from the current project show that data from site
CA-SDI-570 met the requirements of the research design.
Site CA-SDI-570 was recommended as eligible for nomination
to the National Register and the California Register for its
research potential.
Proposed plans indicated that portions of site CA-SDI-570
are within the direct and indirect impact area for trail
improvements associated with the proposed undertaking. An
avoidance and monitoring program were recommended to result
in a determination of no adverse effect.
Bailey Meadows Hazardous Fuels Reduction Project, Palomar Mountain,
Agency: Natural Resource Conservation Service and County of San
Mountain Environmental, Inc. (Laguna Mountain) conducted an
archaeological survey of
approximately 430.2 acres on Palomar Mountain for the Natural
Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). The proposed
project was for the removal of dead and dying
trees within the residential lots and along the roads. The goal of the Bailey Meadow
Fuel Reduction Project’s cultural resource investigations was to
identify the cultural resources within the APE to ensure that
adverse effects to historic properties would not result from the
project. The archaeological survey resulted in the
identification of 24 sites and 3 isolated artifacts.
To ensure the
cultural resources within the APE were not adversely effected by
the project, a cultural resource program was developed. Cultural
resources identified within sensitive areas were flagged to
ensure avoidance during work in the area.
Mechanical clearing, haul
routes, and excavation of erosion control features did occur
within site areas. All work in the vicinity of cultural
resources was monitored by a qualified forester trained to deal
with cultural resource issues to ensure that there were no impacts.
Tree cutting and
removal did not adversely affect the cultural resources within
the APE. Ground disturbing activity related to tree and brush
removal did occur in site areas. Implementation of the proposed
program resulted in no adverse effect and no impacts to cultural
Project: Pijnenburg Lot Split Survey, Test and Evaluation, Barrett
Junction, California
Agency: County of San Diego
Laguna Mountain
Environmental, Inc. conducted an archaeological survey of a
76.4-acre parcel for a proposed lot split. Two cultural
resources sites were identified: CA-SDI-17136 (mining prospect)
and CA-SDI-17137 (historic foundations and trash scatter). The
project could not be redesigned to avoid these two resources, so
a testing and evaluation program was implemented to determine if
they qualified as eligible for nomination to the California
Register of Historical Resources (California Register) or as
significant under the County of San Diego Resource Protection
Ordinance (RPO).
Site CA-SDI-17136 consisted of two mining prospects without
associated cultural material. Based on the period of mining
activity in the region, these prospects may be of historic age,
but they lack any associated cultural material or archival
documentation. Site CA-SDI-17136 was not recommended as
eligible for California Register or County RPO status based on
lack of association and information potential.
Site CA-SDI-17137
consisted of the foundations and associated remains of two
residential structures and associated buildings and features.
These remains appear to be on the margin of historic age and the
associated surface material was all of recent age. Subsurface
testing indicated that CA-SDI-17137 lacked historic age cultural
material. CA-SDI-17137 did not qualify as eligible for
California Register or the County RPO based on it’s recent age,
lack of significant association, and lack of historic age
artifacts. Because CA-SDI-17136 and CA-SDI-17137 are not
eligible for the California Register or significant under the
County RPO, no further work was recommended.
Carroll Canyon Road Extension Project, Sorrento Valley,
Agency: City of San Diego
Laguna Mountain Environmental, Inc.
(Laguna Mountain) served as a cultural resources subconsultant
on the Carroll Canyon Road Extension Project. Laguna Mountain
conducted an archaeological survey, historic resource
evaluation, in addition to a testing and significance evaluation
program of a proposed extension of Carroll Canyon Road from
Scranton Road to Sorrento Valley Road in the City of San Diego.
The area of potential effect (APE) covers approximately 35-acres in the Sorrento Valley area of San
The survey phase of the project was
conducted in 2002, and Native American participation and
consultation was part of the survey effort. Most previously recorded resources
within the project area had been
destroyed by prior construction or had been previously collected.
Historic-period landscaping was present but structures were no
longer standing. The historic landscaping was recorded, but
based on a title search and additional historic research, it was
not recommended as eligible for National Register of Historic
Places (National Register) or California Register of Historical
Properties (California Register).
The survey did relocate a
prehistoric shell midden within the
project area. The prehistoric shell midden had
been previously recommended as “significant” but had not been
formally evaluated. A Phase II testing program was conducted to provide additional data on the
remaining resource. Scheduling of testing was adjusted to meet
biological constraints. In order to meet tight project
deadlines while working within biological constraints, Laguna
Mountain expedited testing and report preparation to meet a
November 2002 deadline. Testing identified a variety of
prehistoric material including stone and shell beads and other
artifacts from a substantial prehistoric habitation site. The
site was determined to be eligible for the California Register
and the project was adjusted to avoid resource impacts to the
extent possible. A data recovery plan was developed in
consultation with City staff in December 2002 and January 2003
to provide for mitigation of project impacts. The project
alignment was adjusted in July 2004 and 2005, and the reports
have been revised to reflect these changes and impact
Project: Impink TPM Project, Jamul, California
Agency: San Diego County
Laguna Mountain Environmental, Inc.
conducted an archaeological survey of a 13.62-acre parcel for
the proposed lot split. Two archaeological sites were identified
during the survey: CA-SDI-6738 Loci A through F (bedrock milling
stations) and CA-SDI-17140 (lithic scatter). CA-SDI-6738 Loci A,
C, E, and F and CA-SDI-17140 could not be avoided through
redesign so a testing and evaluation program was implemented to
evaluate the sites for eligibility to be included under the
California Register of Historical Resources (California
Register) or San Diego County’s Resource Protection Ordinance (RPO).
Testing included mapping, surface collection of artifacts,
recordation of bedrock milling features, in addition to the
excavation of 28 STPs and 2 test units. Subsurface deposits were
identified at CA-SDI-6738 Locus F and CA-SDI-17140.
Deposits at CA-SDI-6738 Locus F were less than 30 cm in depth.
Although a metate fragment and hammerstone were recovered, the
remainder of the cultural material at this Locus was limited to
a small amount of debitage. Site CA-SDI-6738 Loci A (partial),
C, E and F did not meet the criteria for the California Register
or the County RPO. No further work was recommended to address
these resources.
CA-SDI-17140 appeared to be a Late Prehistoric habitation site
that contained a variety of cultural material, including flaked
and ground stone tools, debitage, animal bone, charcoal,
fire-affected rock, obsidian, and Tizon Brown Ware pottery.
Subsurface deposits reached a depth of approximately 80 cm,
although bioturbation and previous disturbance were present. The
cultural material at CA-SDI-17140 was of sufficient quantity and
variability to warrant its recommendation as eligible for
nomination to the California Register for its research
potential. CA-SDI-17140 lacked qualities that would make this
resource eligible for significance under the County RPO and was
not RPO significant. Preservation of CA-SDI-17140 in an open
space easement was not feasible given the adjacent land use and
small site area within the project. Data recovery was
recommended to mitigate impacts to CA-SDI-17140 and is currently
pending approval.
Project: Cingular
Wireless Cellular Surveys in Los Angeles and Orange Counties
Agency: Federal Communications Commission
Laguna Mountain
prepared reports for 5 cellular sites in Los Angeles and Orange
counties. The cellular antennas were to be placed on existing
structures. Site research included both effects to the
archaeological and the historic visual environment. These
investigations were conducted for compliance with Section 106 of